Friday 4 January 2013

The Mushroom Forest (Modelling & Texturing Module)

Here are some images taken from my modelling and texturing seminar.  The project is to create a Tim Burton inspired environment and I choose Alice in Wonderland as my Burton inspiration.  We have had to take an image and then transform this image into a Burton style image.  This work shows the modelling and texturing stages, next I have to animate the scene.

Inspiration Image

Tim Burton influence

Main tree model.

Main tree model with displacement.

Main tree with final textures.

Bench base mesh.

A few mushrooms models.

Grass meshes.

Grass arranged into patches for distribution as Vraymesh proxies.

Screen grab showing distribution of grass proxies.

Scene wire frame.

Raw render.

Render with some post production done in Photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I had fun reading this. And it is easy to understand. Nice going.

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